Apply for funding

Nice to have you with us!

Applications for CFC film funding can be submitted to us on an ongoing basis and are generally discussed twice a year in CFC advisory board meetings. Always submit your application before the start of the project.

Upcoming submission deadlines 2025:
- 15 March 2025
- 26 September 2025

This is your route to financial support:

  • Do you have a clear concept and can you present your film project in detail?
  • Does your project fulfil the CFC funding guidelines? This means, for example, that it has a cultural connection to Carinthia and/or its production site is in the Carinthian region?
  • Do you have a shooting schedule, a financing concept and all the other necessary documents on our checklist and already know how to commercialise your project?

Then you're ready.

Your first steps towards the application

  • Get in contact with us!
  • Our team will advise you and provide you with all the necessary information. You will also find out which specific requirements apply to your project..

How to make your application successful

  • Fill in the application form.
  • Enclose all required documents. We provide you with helpful checklists here. Depending on the phase of your film project for which you are applying for funding, you will find a list of all the documents we need from you during the application process.
  • Integrate a green filming concept, if available. Conserving resources and sustainability are welcome state of the art.
  • Send us your complete application including all documents by the deadline.

Now it is our turn

  • The CFC will check your application for completeness and compliance with the funding guidelines.
  • If necessary, we will contact you with any queries.
  • After review, the independent CFC Advisory Board recommends approval or rejection and the amount of funding to the member of the Carinthian provincial government responsible for art and culture.
  • Funding is processed and paid out by the Office of the Carinthian Provincial Government, Department 14 - Art and Culture.
  • If your application is approved, you will receive a letter detailing the funding conditions and the amount of funding; for funding of € 10,000 or more, a funding agreement will be concluded in which the conditions of the funding are set out.

It's your turn again

  • You produce your film project according to the specifications and adhere to all contractual conditions.
  • If there are any changes to the project, please contact us and report them to the CFC.
  • Document your film production so that you can provide transparent evidence of the use of the funding.
  • You are obliged to coordinate at least two PR and marketing measures with the CFC in the course of your film production. Please plan for these.
  • After completion of the project, a final invoice, a project report and proof of the correct use of the funding must be provided in a proof of utilisation. The respective verification requirements are attached to the development - production - sales/promotion funding phases and will be communicated to you in the event of approval.

We look forward to supporting your project!