The Carinthia Film Commission (CFC) is a service and advisory centre of the state of Carinthia. Its aim is to provide financial and service-oriented support for national and international cinema and TV film productions.
Film productions that express the cultural diversity and creative potential of Carinthia and have a (cultural) Carinthian connection make an important contribution to European film culture. When awarding funding, the responsible advisory board pays attention to balance, diversity and compliance with various guidelines.
When recommending funding, the responsible advisory board pays attention to balance, diversity and compliance with the CFC funding guidelines based on the Carinthian Cultural Funding Act 2001 - K-KFördG, LGBI No. 45/2002.
Film funding can be applied for for the development, production and/or exploitation of a film project. Funding is available for a maximum of 30 per cent of the total costs of development and a maximum of 20 per cent of the total costs of production, distribution and promotion.
CFC film funding can be requested for the development, production and exploitation stages of a film project.
Funding is provided for:
- a maximum of 30 per cent of the total development costs,
- a maximum of 20 per cent of the total costs of production,
- a maximum of 20 per cent of the total costs of sales and promotion.