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Welcome to Carinthia as a film destination

The fast track to your application

Filming in Carinthia

The film region of Carinthia offers an impressive variety of backdrops that impress with their naturalness and versatility.

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Filming licence

Depending on the nature of your production, you may need a filming permit in Carinthia. This is issued by the relevant authorities.

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Financial support

The province of Carinthia has set up the Carinthia Film Commission (CFC) as a service and advice centre to support national and international film productions.

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Welcome to Carinthia as a film destination

Austria's southernmost province offers an outstanding backdrop for your film production! The mixture of southern flair, cultural diversity and breathtaking natural scenery makes Carinthia an inspiring place for film makers from all over the world - authentic, impressive and full of possibilities.

With more than 1000 crystal-clear lakes, majestic mountain peaks, time-honoured, historic buildings and an unmistakable location in the heart of the Alps-Adriatic region, Carinthia offers an impressive variety of film locations.

Und mittendrin sind wir für Sie da! Die Carinthia Film Commission (CFC) unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihre Visionen und Drehbücher Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Als kostenfreie Anlaufstelle stehen wir Filmschaffenden mit Rat und Tat zur Seite: vom umfangreichen Location-Service bis hin zum finanziellen Zuschuss für Projektentwicklung, Herstellung und Verwertung von Filmen.

Our aim is to promote international and national film and TV productions that are produced in our state and distributed both nationally and internationally.

Together we make Carinthia the stage for your story!

© Kärnten Werbung
© Kärnten Werbung
© Kärnten Werbung
© Kärnten Werbung

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360 degree location scout

With our interactive 3D application, you can virtually explore potential film locations. Gain realistic impressions, save time and money and make an informed pre-selection. We are happy to answer any questions you may have!

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